Disk No: 2430 Disk Title: Civil War Battle Set PC-SIG Version: S1 Program Title: Civil War Battle Set Author Version: 1.1 Author Registration: None Special Requirements: CGA Remember when you were young and played "war" with your friends? CIVIL WAR BATTLE SET can help you relive those days, in the comfort of your office, with no one else around! CIVILWAR is a one-player re-creation of various battles from the American Civil War. You may choose either side and command infantry, cavalry, artillery, and general units. Battles are affected by unit type, terrain, leadership, morale, attack type, and other factors. You may modify the game difficulty and the aggressiveness of the enemy, as well as visibility and artillery range. You can "spy" on enemy troops, override orders of subordinate commanders, and control intensity of encounters. CIVILSET allows you to create or modify battle scenarios, including battle map, army type, strength, and other factors. You may name units according to historical battles or choose your own names. And, if you get interrupted during an intense battle, save it and come back to it at coffee break! PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.